Legal Notice

This site is owned by the company AAF Germany GmbH, registered in the German commercial register of the Saarbrücken local court under HRB 18469 and under the VAT ID number: DE269715158 with its registered office in D-66740 Saarlouis.

The company is entered in the commercial register of the Saarbrücken local court under HRB 18469

Representing Ada Janietz Amengual and Olivier Amengual as managing directors

AAF Germany GmbH has a capital of € 1,000,000. AAF Germany GmbH can be reached by email: or by phone: +49 6831 768 760

The website complies with the law of January 6, 1978 on information technology, files and freedoms, in particular Regulation (UE) 2016/679 (Data Protection Act), as well as the German law (Federal Data Protection Act – BDSG).

The general structure as well as the texts, graphics, images and sounds as well as their composition are the property of AAF Germany GmbH.

Any representation and / or reproduction and / or partial or complete use of this website in any way without the express prior consent of AAF Germany GmbH is prohibited and would constitute a violation within the meaning of the articles of the copyright law.

For the hypertext links inserted on the site ( , the company assumes no responsibility towards other websites and / or personal pages and in general towards all available resources on the Internet.